Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
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Issue 191 Volume 18 December 2014


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual rants about whatever…

Serials and Long Fiction

Best Friend in Greyworld
Glenn M. Diamond
A bright red line would have led the expedition team back to their shuttle pod—if they could only see it.

Rape of Caenis
Christopher J. Ferguson
The Caenan rebels had agreed to cease hostilities and negotiate peaceably, but tragedy befell both sides.

***Best Long Fiction of 2014***

Selected by Serials Editor Lester Curtis

Rick Grehan
A science fiction tale about home repair gone awfully wrong with the help of some military hardware and Uncle Mike.

The Ocean of All Her Children
Edward J. Santella
Who would kill sweet, kind Mrs. Tee, the old woman who baked cookies for the town’s children for as long as anyone can remember? A mystery with its origins in Sumerian mythology.

Best Friend in Greyworld
Glenn M. Diamond
A bright red line would have led the expedition team back to their shuttle pod—if they could only see it.

Rape of Caenis
Christopher J. Ferguson
The Caenan rebels had agreed to cease hostilities and negotiate peaceably, but tragedy befell both sides.

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Short Stories

The Dark Places
Claire McMurray
Lonna was the actress every man dreamed of, but only without the machines.

Voodoo Judgment
Charles E.J. Moulton
She wanted a divorce, but someone seemed to have other ideas…

Andrew Hodges
They all yearned to be free of the pipes, but this one wanted it more than the rest.

Working Vacation
Graeme Tennant
Diversions were everywhere, but some were more exotic than others.

The Replacement
Roy Dorman
His mad uncle had promised him a dream future, but Vincent only dreamed of more.

The Storyteller
Tarah Flicek
Cry "Wolf!" if you can…

Nicholas Sherry
The title says it all, really…

The Terraformers
Sergio Palumbo
Karma may be quick, or slow, but it can never be escaped…

***Best Short Stories of 2014***

Selected by Short Stories Editor Nate Kailhofer

Death Song
T.S. Kay
Jin Woo helped people express their grief, but her new client couldn't show emotions.

The Martian Marathon
David Wright
One race could change the fate of the whole planet.

Charles Ebert
Stancil Willoughby knew everything there was to know about AIs, or so he thought.

The Writers Workshop
Kurt Heinrich Hyatt
There was something… different… about Ms. Merkel's writing—something too good to be true.

The Flies
John Rovito
Asher drank too much and blew off the evacuation. Oops.

Vacation 2156
Renee Harden
Moriah's parents wouldn't tell her what was going on, but she couldn't play outside at all.

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Flash Fiction

Messin' with the Kid
Roy Dorman
Come down to the crossroads.

Two Halves
Botond Teklesz
Love is all in the imagination.

The Long Horizon
Jean-Paul Garnier
A whole new meaning to peeking over the edge.

In My World
Ryan Hansen
Sometimes a bad end takes a while.


Emergency Landing
Denny E. Marshall

The Girl Who Wouldn't Listen to Anything
Madalyn Katrina

The Saga Ends Differently
Ed Sullivan

***Best Flash of 2014***

The Tide Turns
Dionisio “Don” Traverso Jr.
Who the monster is depends on your vantage point.

Whore Spider
Renee Harden
A second course of a horrific dinner.

Kim Mary Trotto
Bouncing back to take a bow.

Roy Dorman
The second coming of the swarm.

The Aphelion Flash Fiction Contest

We run a monthly flash fiction contest in the "Fun and Games" folder in Aphelion's forum. In the contest we post a challenge with a specific theme and genre and participants write a flash story based on the challenge guidelines. The contest is a great place to hone your writing skills, meet some fellow writers, receive some feedback, and possibly win a prize. New participants are always welcome. Submissions for the contest are done through the forum. Flash stories from all of our previous contest challenges are archived in the forum as well.

Over 500 stories are included in our archive. To start reading some of these great flash stories, check out either Index 1 or Index 2.

Results of the Aphelion Flash Fiction Contest for November 2014

Congratulations to Brian Kendig, winner of the "Caught in a World So Cold" challenge. Click HERE to read her winning story, "No Man's Land" and  other flash stories.

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Poetry and Filk Music

Star Sex
Robin B. Lipinski

Evolution 2
Vaibhav Mukim

Jean Jones

None Spared
Richard Tornello

Denny E Marshall

Lost and Found
Scott Thomas Outlar

The Guesser
J. D. DeHart

***Best Poetry of 2014***

From Fire, To Wheel, To Sky
Peter Adamakakis

Denny E Marshall

Robin B. Lipinski

Rafał Zabratyński

Douglas Polk

To H. G. Wells
Perry L. Powell

At the Wheel
Richard H. Fay

Martin Tomlinson

What real horror is
Jean Jones

Black Umbrella Special
J.D. DeHart

Creature's Feast
Ed Sullivan

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Articles and features

Alas, there were no feature articles this month.

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1999-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield