Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Evolution 2

by Vaibhav Mukim

We are learning too,
About identity,
Said little neuron Boo,
As it worked for unity.

But of those that live,
In ships other than ours,
Who may not give,
A shit for our stars.

Of those I cannot speak,
And them I do not know,
But if living longer is what we seek,
Then we must live together somehow.

Which is why I always say,
That one identity ain't enough,
That there should be one I may,
Share with others when the going gets tough.

That there must be some common ground,
Like love, greed, loneliness or despair,
With which I can say we are bound,
Wait I'd rather go with care.

But what is stronger than survival?
The universe seems to ask,
When nothing as sensational,
Has yet come to pass.

And so little neuron Boo,
Stokes the fire day and night,
While finding new ways to,
Prove himself right.

For time is what we needed,
To evolve a form of cooperation,
Where no matter who got deleted,
We'd all feel the pain.

And we've come quite far,
Boo shouted at the universe,
For heroes are born every hour,
To fight survival's curse.

he roads are like arteries,
Where ambulances crawl,
And if one fails you'll see,
How the others will fall.

But dear Boo,
Said the universe loudly,
If what you are saying is true,
Then survival must smile with glee.

For to cooperate you built things,
That makes your Ships depend,
On the survival of other ships that go ping,
And do things that your ship can't comprehend.

So how far will you go,
I ask you now,
And the universe forgo,
Its courtesy in this row.

Boo who was still surprised,
That the universe had finally spoken,
Gathered its wits and surmised,
That the time had come to be outspoken.

We'll go so far that every one can see,
What happens when someone dies,
That it is a shame quite clearly,
And that the whole human race sighs.

So loud that universe even you will hear,
And know that the path to immortality,
Was never one person's to fear,
And that you will join us eventually.

© 2014 Vaibhav Mukim

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