A Broken Showroom Window and
Andrei Gaceff
Translated from Romanian by Carmen Dobriceanu and Andrei Gaceff
Oh. We weren’t expecting not to find you home. There’s really no one, only props.
My Brother's Keeper
N. B. Yomi
A sister's love for her brother is all the superpower she needs. Although, having angelic power at her side is admittedly a
nice bonus.
Night of the Jaguar
Rekha Valliappan
The vibrancy of the city could not die. That sickly blue mist could never extinguish. It still swirls, hanging in unusual and
strange motifs—visible for always.
San Miguel
Elizabeth Hurley
Do you consider yourself a man of God?
Serpent of Worlds
Ryan Harris
A retelling of an ancient creation myth.
The Picture
Tammy Huffman
Ike really is such a sweet boy.