Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
Short Stories
Flash Fiction
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Flash Writing Challenge
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Issue 238 Volume 23 April 2019


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Flash Fiction Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual rants about whatever…

Serials and Long Fiction

Monkfruit Investigates
T. Richard Williams
Old Earth history and ancient artifacts take Stevia Monkfruit's job as an exoarchaeologist in a direction he never expected.

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Short Stories

A Broken Showroom Window and They
Andrei Gaceff
Translated from Romanian by Carmen Dobriceanu and Andrei Gaceff
Oh. We weren’t expecting not to find you home. There’s really no one, only props.

My Brother's Keeper
N. B. Yomi
A sister's love for her brother is all the superpower she needs. Although, having angelic power at her side is admittedly a nice bonus.

Night of the Jaguar
Rekha Valliappan
The vibrancy of the city could not die. That sickly blue mist could never extinguish. It still swirls, hanging in unusual and strange motifs—visible for always.

San Miguel
Elizabeth Hurley
Do you consider yourself a man of God?

Serpent of Worlds
Ryan Harris
A retelling of an ancient creation myth.

The Picture
Tammy Huffman
Ike really is such a sweet boy.

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Flash Fiction

Black and White
Meghashri Dalvi
Matter can be neither created nor destroyed…

C. E. Gee
Fate or coincidence? You decide!

She’s a Witch!
Ray Prew
Whatever you do, don't piss off the witch!

Snowman Dream
Kit Roberts
A walk in the woods can become a bad dream.

Survivor Guilt
Christopher T. Dabrowski
They were desperate; they had to…

They Call Me Leaky
Eddie D. Moore
Incontinent dinosaurs, oh my!

The Aphelion Flash Fiction Contest

We run a monthly flash fiction contest in the "Fun and Games" folder in Aphelion's forum. In the contest we post a challenge with a specific theme and genre and participants write a flash story based on the challenge guidelines. The contest is a great place to hone your writing skills, meet some fellow writers, receive some feedback, and possibly win a prize. New participants are always welcome. Submissions for the contest are done through the forum. Flash stories from all of our previous contest challenges are archived in the forum as well.

Over 500 stories are included in our archive. To start reading some of these great flash stories, check out either Index 1 or Index 2.

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Poetry and Filk Music

Rusty Wheel
Sebastian Popescu

Dialogue Between God and the Ghost
Alexis Child

King of the Black Rock
Matthew David Laing

the earth isn't elsewhere
ayaz daryl nielsen

Planets of Mirth
Meg Smith

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Articles and features

Alas, there were no feature articles this month.