Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
Short Stories
Flash Fiction
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Issue 237 Volume 23 March 2019


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Flash Fiction Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual rants about whatever…

Serials and Long Fiction

The House of Master Essen
AD Ross
Elendra joined the trading caravan in hopes of acquiring some needed wealth for her family. What she obtained was altogether different.

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Short Stories

A Broken World Waits in Darkness
Aiki Flinthart
A chance purchase from a strange store helps wreak some exquisite karma.

The Doleful Tale of the Bucket of Blood
Francis-Marie de Chatillon
To those who come upon this poor journal I must ask both their forbearance in the reading of and, indeed, their forgiveness for its shameful content. Oh, for in truth this is a record of proceedings most contrary to God and man.

Closing Time at the Speckled Wolf
Rab Foster
Grud's just trying to run a bar. He doesn't have time for any of this nonsense.

Hollows of the Milky Way
L. S. Popovich
The very reason I had a care regulator installed, Darling. I can leave my stress at work and enjoy the fullness of life without worrying about things like charity and kindness.

One Man's Meat
C. E. Gee
These are animatronics, in a sense, but also a little bit more.

Rabbit Stew
Kit Ahn
Research is all-consuming.

Silver Tongue part II: The Departure from Propriety
William Joseph Roberts
Visiting the in-laws was never such a damn chore.

A new Mare Inebrium story Dan L. Hollifield:
Shell Beach

Dan L. Hollifield
The 'Lost And Found' at the Mare Inebrium sometimes includes people…

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Flash Fiction

Paul Michael Moreau
There's something wrong with 564XE2.

My Dreams And Me
Don Dussault
What's the dream, and who's the dreamer?

Denny E. Marshall
Be careful where you play, children!

Queen Of The Universe
Logan Thrasher Collins
You have to be ruthless if you want to be omnipotent!

Yin and Yang
Christopher T. Dabrowski
Be careful what you wish for

Rekha Valliappan
If you go down to the woods today…

The Aphelion Flash Fiction Contest

We run a monthly flash fiction contest in the "Fun and Games" folder in Aphelion's forum. In the contest we post a challenge with a specific theme and genre and participants write a flash story based on the challenge guidelines. The contest is a great place to hone your writing skills, meet some fellow writers, receive some feedback, and possibly win a prize. New participants are always welcome. Submissions for the contest are done through the forum. Flash stories from all of our previous contest challenges are archived in the forum as well.

Over 500 stories are included in our archive. To start reading some of these great flash stories, check out either Index 1 or Index 2.

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Poetry and Filk Music

Beetles of Color
Sebastian Popescu

Timothy Tarkelly

ayaz daryl nielsen

D. Dallas

J. D. DeHart

The moon is gone
Meg Smith

The Tarn Of OMGLOL
J. B. Toner

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Articles and features

Alas, there were no feature articles this month.