After Creation J.L. Navarro
You could describe this story as "Aldous Huxley meets J.L. Navarro."
Chopper Lee Alon
It was supposed to be a holiday for Lenny's mom, but there was an unexpected side trip to a world of violence.
Fred Zachau
After thirty years of quiet desperation, a man encounters an old girl friend and faces a rendezvous with a mysterious
Evil Eyes Tom Arbino
Never trust a cat with evil eyes.
Hell and Back Joshua Scribner
Willie Tantel was smart enough for college, but he didn't have the kind of patience it took to stick with something for
several years. Like so many kids his age, he had wanted it all and wanted it fast.
My Children Ron Bruno
For fans of flash horror fiction.
Old Business
Robert Starr
He knew what he had to say to be free, but somehow he could never bring himself to say it.
Subway Seductress Joe
After the bars close, the city dies. An atmosphere of hopelessness and despair pervades. Only the evil and destitute are on the
streets; the homeless, junkies, muggers, killers, and worn-out prostitutes.
We All Have Our Jobs To
Do Katherine Sanger
Here's a short tale with a very surprising ending.