Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Issue 165 Volume 16 August 2012


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual rants about whatever…

Serials and Long Fiction

Become Like a God
McCamy Taylor
The Epic of Gilgamesh dates back to ancient Sumeria — and forward to the stars.

Timothy Potter
From the moment she rescued him from a burning car, Drew's adopted mother, Anna, knew that he was a special child. When she discovered that he had the ability to weave the dreams of others, she thought she was doing the right thing keeping his ability secret. But fate had other plans in store for the boy.

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Short Stories

Gold Soldiers
Rob Bliss
In the future, war can still be hell. And when your backers control everything, making war movies can be worse.

Less of Her
I. Verse
Claudia's custom-made prosthetic limbs were fully-functional works of art. Lumi, a transcendent beauty, loved them, and Claudia and Lumi loved each other. But the two women wanted very different things.

Loving Monica
Phil Davies
Once, he had been as smitten with Monica as all the men she knew seemed to be. But familiarity with her, and her ridiculous mob of cats, had bred contempt.

Metaphase: Fluffy I, II and III
Sergio Palumbo
The Altreh scientist became fascinated the Terran dog he had copied from a dying animal rescued from the ruins of a destroyed human colony. And Fluffy's behavior when exposed to the place where his original had been found was the key to something far stranger.

The Margaret Mitchell Estate Strikes Back
McCamy Taylor
The famed Artificial Intelligence and consulting detective, Mycroft, investigates the odd behavior and … disappearance … of the A.I. actor programs from a performance of Gone With The Wind.

The Individual Is Nothing
John Rovito
What is the life and identity of one man compared to the rebirth of an entire race?

The Lawnmower That Knew
Rick Grehan
Uncle Mike was an excellent handyman and a terrible inventor. His self-guiding lawnmower was a perfect example.

Those Damn Lights…
Ray Prew
You wouldn't think that putting up Christmas lights (at least during the actual holiday season) should be punishable by death, but Eddy Scott felt differently.

July 2012 Forum Flash Challenge

Congratulations to Nathan Kailhofer, author of the favorite entry in the July 2012 Forum Flash Fiction Challenge. Check out "What Great Service" and five more tales of what lurks beneath the bed (according to Bill Watterson of "Calvin and Hobbes", whatever it is, it's drooling)

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Poetry and Filk Music

A Dream of Saturn
John M. Marshall

Clinton Van Inman

Resumé for BoD South Riding, VA
Richard Tornello

Robin Lipinski

Zombie Pets
Mike Berger

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Articles and features

Thoughts on Writing #40: Starting the Discussion
Seanan McGuire
Seanan McGuire takes apart the engine of writing to find out how it works, and offers her insights into how to put it back together again.

Sports Manga: a Review
McCamy Taylor (who does not like sports)
McCamy reviews Japanese manga that do not feature samurai, ninja, giant robots, fairies, etc. Instead, they center around realistic people playing baseball, wheelchair basketball, and other earthbound pursuits.

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1999-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield