Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Issue 61 Volume 06 July 2002


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual ravings about whatever…

Serialised stories and Long Fiction

The Dark Side
Guy Hasson
A dark, demented journey into a man's soul.

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Short Stories

A Better Mousetrap
Robert Starr
Having completed his matter disintegrating mousetrap, the unhappily married inventor naturally turned to his wife for his first test subject.

A World Passing
Dave Van Os
Darwin Jones only wanted to get out of this world as pleasantly and as painlessly as possible, until he woke up one morning to discover the world he was trying to escape had vanished.

An Apartment in Automatia
Joe Vadalma
Ardan enjoyed life in his cozy automated apartment. He had a stupendous view of the city and a virtual reality holovision in every room. He worked out on exercise machines to keep his muscles from atrophying. For five years he lived this idyllic existence. Then things began to go wrong…

Andrew Rough
I was obsessed Rosina, but then I met Catalina who was so like Rosina, but without the negative side…

The Quantum Hello
Swanand Arole
In the tradition of Jules Verne, here is an adventure that takes place at the very frontier of science.

Red Tape
Ralph Benedetto, Jr.
Let's see…if the region selected is within the city walls, fill out form 372-B and attach schedule F, otherwise, fill out forms 896-A/1 and 896-A/3, being sure to attach schedule…oh, man, this is way too much trouble just to rob a house…everything is all paperwork these days…

The Monkey House
McCamy Taylor
This is a political satire. If you think the President of the United States can do no wrong, then save yourself and ulcer and don't read it.

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Poetry and Filk Music

Dead on Arrival
David Soriano

The Night They Drove The Death Star Down
Robert Wynne and Jeffrey Williams

We're All Insane Here
Cameron Neilson

Why Look You Now So Pale?
Iain Muir

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Articles and features

There were no new features in this issue.

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1997-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield