As Drums Beat E.K. Reid
Yves had bought the set of bongo drums at a congested marketplace in Columbia six years before.
Magebane Liam Wilson
In this tale, rival high school gangs use "magi-punk" against one another.
Racial Memory
Hailey Gold
Trais Four was a jungle planet. It was not all jungle; it had plains and mountains with snow. Nevertheless, Trais Four was a
jungle planet.
Stairway Through Agony
Noel Carroll
I am the only one who can see the eighth floor of our condo building…?
The Exile Vandana Singh
Below her lay the burning valley. Above her was the massive, dying sun and the alien ships. Min had once been of the People, but
now she was alone…
The Song of Birdie
McBride Norman A. Rubin
Come join the bearded balladeer, by the tavern's warming fire, somewhere along a Scottish road…