Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
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Issue 43 Volume 04 January 2001


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual ravings about whatever…

Serialised stories and Long Fiction

Jeff was unable to work on the Serials & Novels section for this month and has asked me to explain and to extend his appologies. He and his family have been busy buying a new house and moving in. I know that I went through the same thing two years ago when I bought a house. Aphelion readers are asked to please be patient and forgiving, writers who have posted submissions to Jeff are asked to please let the tar cool back down and put the feathers back into the pillows.
"that damnfool senior editor kinda guy"

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Short Stories

George K. Mowles
Archonidias had triumphed by capturing the Mother of Earth in her temple. Now he had only to deliver the idol to King Minos to gain his reward.

Far Out
Matthew Hodgetts and Dwayne Bunney
This story has a message for you, if only you will listen.

How Justine Got Her Body Back
Minoti Baro
If a Siberian shaman invites you for coffee at Starbuck's, say "No thanks."

Its Only Defense
Cristina Alfonso-Ibanez
Tracking down dragons and slaying them is a good way to win the hearts of fair maidens.

Les Pigeons de la Roche
Frank Mosca
The thing about bad karma is this: sooner or later, it comes back to you.

Picture Perfect
Ralph Benedetto, Jr.
The thief who stole Lord Whynter's paintings made a big mistake when she left one behind.

Something to Prove
Andrea Sharkey
The philosophers like to ask "does god exist?" For Darrin, that is the wrong question.

The Stewmeister
Delo White
Detective Armbruster must solve the mystery of the disappearance of Everett Kaboom, but can he overcome his secret weakness?

Sister at the Bar
Kate Thornton
Some people truly get what they deserve… But sometimes the Instrument of Justice makes it— personal.

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Poetry and Filk Music

Kim has been sick and regrets to say that she has no poetry ready for this issue. Please join me in wishing her a speedy recovery.

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Articles and features

Dan Hollifield reviews Burn
The new novel by Jonathan Lyons. Sci-Fi Noir in all its glory!

Double Wide
Jim Parnell
On the Backs of the Righteous

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1997-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield