Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Issue 39 Volume 04 September 2000


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual ravings about whatever…

Serialised stories and Long Fiction

The Anartek Part 1 (of 2)
Michael Patrick Aiello
For generations the Anarteks had lived apart from the rest of humanity, isolated in a far corner of the solar system. Their credo was technological creation, and now they had come up with the greatest of them all: the instantaneous movement of matter through space.
For Earth the news couldn't be worse. The uncontrolled introduction of new technologies into the economy had already caused untold misery. More upheavals would not be tolerated. But for private investigator Angelo McAuley, the issues were simple: survive. So, when a mysterious Earthman named Samuel Tanner asked him to investigate the disappearance of a drug addicted aristocrat, Angelo could hardly say ‘No’…

Whose Sword Is It, Anyway? Part 3 (of 5)
Ralph Benedetto, Jr.
The College of Ru'aath has turned out the keenest swordsman, the ablest spell casters and the finest musicians of the age. That's probably why Caitlin, Mal and Rivenbark got kicked out.

The Account of Lord Salthor
Disaster is the result when a young, untried commander leads his men against an ancient horror.

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Short Stories

A Union in Death
J. Alan Erwine
Eric and Becky wanted two things: Tomorrow and each other.

A Warning From the Red Star
Frederick Rustam
In a story inspired by a Dan Hollifield editorial, tabloid reporter Jake Weissmeyer investigates a mysterious construction project in the desert

Happy the Clown
The Hansen Family
"We all looked to J.B. in order to follow his lead for a reaction. J.B. kept on talking. He kept on droning on as if it was normal to have a clown walk into the room. My eyes shifted back to the clown who sat down in an empty chair and put a brief case on the conference table."

Just the Man for the Job
Drazen Saskor
In a well ordered society, there is a job for every man, and a man for every job.

Justin L. Peniston
A jealous cat is resurrected in her master's shoes.

Rham the Uncivil
Craig Cornwell
One of history’s least known mythological heroes, Rham makes Conan look like Harry Potter.

Spru TV
Matthew A. Reed
A boy, a computer, and a nasty alien race.

Tinnitus Interruptus
Ralph Benedetto, Jr.
At long last recovered from a painful soccer injury, Ralph returns to his keyboard, and the pages of Aphelion with a lively tale of three memorable fantasy characters.

Travels With Cat
Joy Hewitt Mann
Witches are moral beings, so how can an immoral, criminal type like "darling" make it in the world of magic? With the help of a familiar named Cat, of course. But then, Cat is not all she — or is that "he"? — seems to be.

Daniel Beaupré
When a mysterious object falls out of the sky and lies in the road undulating like a bag of liquid, DON'T LEAN OVER IT AND POKE IT WITH A STICK!

Bill Wolfe
In the back of every mind, a monster lurks—chained in the mind's dark recesses, kept away from the light of day for all eternity… but chains can break. Corbeatee’s ability to control biological systems was absolute; he was merely very good with mechanical devices. But he was learning fast.

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Poetry and Filk Music

Bucket Boy's Revenge
Jennifer M. Boudreaux

Hills of my Dreams
Francis C. Parker, Jr.

David Blalock

The Genome Project
Kate Thornton

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Articles and features

There were no new features in this issue

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1997-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield