Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
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Long Fiction and Serials
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Issue 29 Volume 03 October 1999


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual ravings about whatever…

Serialised stories and Long Fiction

Analore Part 1 (of 2)
Joseph B. St. John
"Jonah was as good as dead. He lived, he worked, and he camped, but no one could really call him alive until he found the way to Analore…"

Dreamer Part 3 (of 3)
Dan L. Hollifield
A rare foray into pure fantasy, just to prove that I can do it.
This story ran in 5 parts in the second incarnation of Dragon's Lair webzine in 1997.
(And in issues 5-9 - ye Archivist!)

Superhero Nation Part 5 (of 5)
Mike Tanier
It's 2049, and any kid can call himself a superhero if he's willing to spend a little money and break a few laws.

The Journeyman Part 5 (of 5)
Allen Woods
Nothing in their lives could ever have prepared the citizens of Ithica, GA for the Journeyman.

Boil a Manchild for Odin
Ulf Ronnquist
"I am young at seven hundred seasons. I am not yet wed, I have caught no manchilds and they think me odd."

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Short Stories

Between the Rows
Abbie Klawitter
In honour of Halloween, here is a tale of what can happen to bad boys and girls, if they don't watch out.

Blackguard's Finest
Erik M. Roth
Trilcek, Law Inquisitor, would follow any trail no matter where it led in order to find his lost Karen and bring her home.

Dan L. Hollifield
"A thief is shot in the night — Whose hand is on the bow?" —Old Shoshone Proverb.

Dark Angels
Joseph B. St. John
Raul was smart, but he did a stupid thing. The girl from New York city thought she was a lot smarter than Raul.

Deep Blue
Tom Oliver
This tale of about averting nuclear disaster comes complete with the author's own analysis. Read the story, then read the author's commentary.

Robert Jarero
An unforeseen circumstance concerning a very 'different' kind of man…

No Panthers Live in Dublin Marsh
Logan Johnson
Fitz was in no mood for nonsense, with the job interview in a couple of hours, when Charlie showed up with another one of his wild stories…

The Lotus on the Other Side
McCamy Taylor
A follow up to the short story "Sister Death" which appeared in issue 22. Rusty begins his training as a Knight of Death.

The Major
Norman Hess
"So as through a glass, and darkly
The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names, but always me."… George S. Patton

The Summer is Past
Iain Muir
You can meet the strangest people in pubs. And what are those blasted owls doing outside?

World of Two Fallacies
Frederick Rustam
Eugene was of the lost generations. He was too young to remember HomeWorld, and born too soon to see GoalStar. When he was 17, these facts did not trouble him, for he had Juanita and The Triv.

You Never Said Goodbye
Myke Anthony
Graduating from High School is a hard time in everyone's life. Several decisions have to be made that will affect your entire life. Having an alien living next door doesn't necessarily help making those decisions any easier.

Drinking Problem
Jim Parnell
Never trust an alien who doesn't drink, particularly at the Mare Inebrium!

The Challenge
Dennis Talent
There were two ways for a paramedic to join the elite 911 Group… The easy way was with 15 years seniority, but Rookie Stephen Haddad was at the Mare Inebrium to do it the hard way!

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Poetry and Filk Music

How to Talk to an Extra-terrestrial
Richard Stevenson

The Homecoming
Iain Muir

Return of the Avatar
Michael Carl Musser

The Unicorn Reborn
David Blalock

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Articles and features

The Aphelion Interview: Atk. Butterfly
Jeff Williams
Jeff Williams sits down with another of Aphelion's most popular writers, to discuss their life and work. This is the fourth in a series of Interviews we will be bringing you over the next few months.

Double Wide
Jim Parnell
The Torture Never Stops — What's a poor boy to do? WARNING: Contains language.

Conventional Wisdom:
The 1999 World Science Fiction Convention

Liz Martin
Liz Martin reports on the sights and sounds at Aussiecon 3, the 57th World Science Fiction Convention, held in September in Sydney, Australia.

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1997-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield