"Joe, here boy, supper time." I called to the big German shepherd who had come to share my life
since the burglary. The years seemed to pass by so swiftly. I had developed some new hobbies to
pass the time- and take my mind off things. I looked around at the shelves of canned goods in my
pantry, all of them from my own garden and all canned by my own hand. I had always liked helping
Momma in the kitchen, I guess that some things just never change. I got the last can of dog food and
carried it to the kitchen. Joe came running in at the sound of the can opener whirring away. "Good
boy! Good, good boy!" I said as I emptied the can into a red plastic dog bowl with G I Joe magic-markered on it's side. "This is the last one, Joe," I said to the dog, "looks like it's back to alpo for
you." Then I noticed the date lettered on the bottom of the can and started to chuckle. I set the dog's
bowl on the floor and giggled. "Well, Joe, what do you know? He was so worried, he was yelling
and screaming as he came at me. But he was wrong," I giggled, "he was wrong, wasn't he , Joe?" I
asked, indicating the date on the can in my hand. "He did last five years, in the can!" Then I tossed
the can in the compactor and laughed and laughed and laughed.
Copyright 1996 by Dan L. Hollifield
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