Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
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Issue 166 Volume 16 September 2012


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual rants about whatever…

Serials and Long Fiction

Baron Sabbath
McCamy Taylor
On the island of Boymere, Baron Sabbath reigns supreme over the spirits — and the flesh — of the dead. When another necromancer usurps the Baron's very skin and abuses his reputation, the Baron must rise from his own tomb to reclaim his realm.

The Price of Light
Beverly Forehand
The former High Vestal Aemilla Verity of the Daughters of Artemis is now one of the Fallen, with a number instead of a name. However, she continues to fight in the service of her Goddess. As a long siege draws to a close, she must take command to prevent the enemy from getting hold of an ancient, powerful alien artifact.

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Short Stories

Cemetery World
Kurt Heinrich Hyatt
Serving as engineer on a rustbucket hauling caskets from the planet Morbus to the cemetery world Quan-Lan wasn't the worst job Radner had ever had, but it was probably the strangest. And he had the feeling there was something else going on there…

China Express
George Schaade
Jack was one of the first outsiders to be allowed into China in decades, supposedly due to lingering effects of a spectacular nuclear meltdown. The truth behind the stories turned out to be something beyond belief.

Here's One for Mr. Serling
P. B. Hampton
Remember the good old days of television sci-fi, when special effects were absent (or crude) but the scripts were clever? Well, sit back and enjoy this visit to…The Zero Zone.

Holo, Grammy
Richard Tornello
In a world where trivial offenses lead to lengthy prison sentences, and the elderly are sent to special communities (which, oddly, never allow visitors), Peter and his Grandmother managed to form a special bond — via two-way hologram communications.

Branden Szabo
Life on Ayva Island was civilized to a fault — causing offense to anyone through speech, action, or inaction was unacceptable. But there was nowhere else to go — was there?.

Please Don't Cut the Rope, Mister
Peter Adamakakis
He spent his days letting fed-up parents' children drift out on the river on floating platforms, then hauling them back in when the parents were ready to reclaim them. The rest of his life was equally uninspiring, and there was nothing better on the horizon. It was enough to make a man do something desperate…

P. F. White
A cow wanders off its owner's land and damages a neighbor's corn field, leading to an escalating feud. Oh — did I mention that the cow weighs nine tonnes and the farmers have super-powers?

The New Kultur
Ian Cordingley
Michel had survived the trench warfare of the Great War, with its poison gas and genetically-engineered saber toothed tigers. More than fifty years later, he would find that genetics could create horrors of another kind.

They — It's Always They
Damian Delao
Nobody knew what the creatures hunting the scattered survivors of their invasion of Earth called themselves. Nobody had come up with a nickname that stuck. But when one man cried "They killed my son," and another wailed "They took my wife," there was never any doubt who They were…

Unmarked By The Malachim
McCamy Taylor
The Malachim were, depending on whom you asked, aliens or angels. All anyone knew for sure was that being chosen and marked them meant that your life would never be the same.

The Recurring Customer Is Always Right
Sergio Palumbo
Sometimes a familiar face at the Mare Inebrium is more than just another pretty face. Max recognizes someone he'd met, briefly, only once before…

August 2012 Forum Flash Challenge

Congratulations to I. Verse (again!), author of the favorite entry in the August 2012 Forum Flash Fiction Challenge. Check out "The Deal" and five more tales of space merchants (or rather, merchandising to creatures FROM space)

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Poetry and Filk Music

John M. Marshall

Diamond Moon
Clinton Van Inman

Fuzzy Thing
Mike Berger

Shiny Happy People
Richard Tornello

Victory Feast
Robin Lipinski

Stepping Into the Same River Twice
Richard Tornello

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Articles and features

Thoughts on Writing #41: Something Old, Something New
Seanan McGuire
Seanan McGuire takes apart the engine of writing to find out how it works, and offers her insights into how to put it back together again.

Ares, a Manwha Review
McCamy Taylor
McCamy reviews the Korean graphic novel series (hence "manwha" instead of "manga") featuring Ares, a prince who becomes a master swordsman when an injury robs him of his memory.

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1999-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield