Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Issue 159 Volume 16 February 2012


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual rants about whatever…

Serials and Long Fiction

Best Long Fiction of 2011

Selected by McCamy Taylor (with Lester Curtis)

Cheng Ho
R. Michael McLellan
A tale of horror in the farthest reaches of space… Captain Jim Stillson will be a rich man if he can bring the spaceship, Cheng Ho, back to earth. But after he discovers what killed the pets, crew and passengers, he has to decide if the risks are worth the money.

Whispers From The North
Matthew Acheson
A gothic horror tale about the lengths some will go for love.

Chatterton Reef
McCamy Taylor
The descendants of the human race left dry land behind long ago, choosing to live in the oceans with varying types and degrees of genetic modifications. But the one thing they took with them was the instinct for war.

Cross Bound
Julie Travis
Modern day horror tale set in Great Britain. First came the cloud, which blotted out the sky over England for two months. Then the strangers began to arrive. Their plan—to exact revenge against the country that sent them to a watery grave four centuries ago.

The City of Never
Roland Allnach
A science fiction retelling of one of the West's oldest stories. An eccentric genius plans to create his masterpiece, the most beautiful city in the universe. In order to fulfill his dream, he must inject an element of sorrow and loss into the work—and he does not care who gets hurt in the process.

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Short Stories

This being Aphelion's anniversary month, we present a shorter-than-usual slate of new stories, followed by a heaping helping of our favorites from the preceding year… Go! Read!

A Bad Day For Fishing
Rory Steves
Conner and his family went to sleep in their tent by the river, planning to spend the next day fishing. They woke up on another world, where the fishing was not so good. But at least the assorted aliens seemed friendly…

Mission To Mars!
Dave Weaver
Mars really seemed like Heaven, even if you had to keep your spacesuit on. The previously-friendly natives were restless, however, and that probably wasn't a good sign.

The Garden of Eden
Martin Westlake
The Heinz exploratory vessel Ark arrived at the strange little planetoid (or planemo — planetary mass object) called Eden according to plan. But one of its immortal-through-transcription 'disciples' was searching for something that was not part of the program.

The Mulligan Box
E. A. Moore
Myron had always said that he had bad luck, if he had any luck at all. The old wooden box changed all that.

The World Famous Wrestling Bear
Mike Phillips
The little town on the icy shore of Lake Superior depended on tourist dollars to get through the long, cold winter. Even the librarian, Miss Weigenmeister, knew that. Some things, however, were worth more than money.

Concerto For Spies
D. J. Rout
Of all the gin joints in all the worlds…

December 2011 Forum Flash Challenge

The December 2011 Flash Challenge entries had to feature a lunar colonist looking for The Perfect Gift — at the last moment, of course. Read the winning story, "The Present", by Richard Tornello, and three more tales of the Christmas rush, moonbase style.

January 2012 Forum Flash Challenge

Congratulations to Bill Wolfe, winner of the "Tales of the Sea" challenge — an impressive feat, after some time out of the game. Read the winning story, "Deadly Echoes", and four more stories of non-human (and non-alien) aquatic life and whatever it is such creatures talk about under water.

Best Short Stories of 2011

(Selected by Robert Moriyama)

The Last March
Matthew Acheson
The Titans — trees that walked the land like giants — marched to defend their friends, the little people, from the depredations wrought the armies of Man.

Where Dreams Die
Frederick Rustam
Shasty Mummert was a hillbilly, but he loved learning. His fondest ambition was to travel to the City of Scholars and become a Scholar himself. The Scholars, however, were not what he expected at all.

J. E. Deegan
Ned Reece was an apex predator in the lawless wasteland called Limboland. He knew how to survive, and how to kill with ruthless efficiency. And if he had a small obsession with shadows, what harm could it do him?

Sacred Logs and Crocodiles
Walter G. Esselman
Gideon had been raised dragons, and had gained some of their powers — and a flying, fire-breathing foster brother. For that duo, even retrieving an overdue library book could turn into an adventure…

Fries With That?
D. Conteur
This story has been removed at the request of the author for professional publication.

A Confidential Correspondence in Capitalist Conflict
P. F. White
A Steampunk tale of sibling rivalry gone mad, told through the medium of the letters exchanged the two brothers.

The Dark kNight
Richard Tornello
A fairy tale, involving a princess, a dragon, an evil wizard, and a knight. But not the one you're expecting!

Chump Change
Kate Thornton
The good ship Linda Rae had carried some peculiar cargo in its long and varied career. But going all the way to Toshiba to deliver a single coin was a first…

Tunguska Retro
E. S. Strout
Karen Mosand her team of geologists hoped to learn what had happened over Tunguska in 1908 studying traces left in the Siberian soil and rocks. The story that emerged from their findings and from old eyewitness accounts was … not what they expected.

Remembering Marchosia
Jack Dowden
The goddess Marchosia — ageless, possessing terrifying powers, but not unkillable — wanted to find a way to bestow godhood on the humans among whom she lived, starting with her egregori (bodyguard and lover) Uriel. But the other gods opposed her plans…

Zombie Charades
Susan Stec
The plague of zombies had been contained and covered up. Now the military wanted to turn them into weapons…if they could just find a way to train them to go after a specific target instead of eating whatever (or whomever) they could catch!

The Body Surfer
Edward Ahern
Danton moved from host to host like a wisp of smoke sliding through the cracks in their souls, experiencing everything about their lives. But death, not life, was his real focus.

Master Apprentice
Todd Nelsen
Kesil Lundfrick was only an apprentice wizard, and not a particularly powerful one at that. (The fact that his familiar was a mouse was not a matter of choice.) But the death of his Master had made him heir to all the secrets of the Tower.

Tin Indian
Joel Doonan
The day Alena had vanished without a word of explanation was the day his life had gone into a holding pattern. He worked at the cannery, ate lunch with his friend Samson, and waited… Then the tin Indians, fortune-telling machines at the old arcade, spat out the strangest messages he'd ever seen.

Teacher 417
Eric Jackson
The Teachers were literally remote — communicating with their students only via instantaneous text and video messaging — and always, always impersonal. Then Teacher 417 asked Jessica to help with "getting me out of here".

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Best Flash Challenge Stories of 2011

Selected by N. J. Kailhofer — NOT necessarily the 'winners' based on votes submitted!)

Mechanical Error
Michelle Dutcher
The challenge was to tell the tale of the moment love was won.

Lester Curtis
The challenge was tell the story of the first sentient connection with a disappointed symbiont.

Meat Me in Saint Louey
Bill Wolfe
The challenge was tell the story of the first sentient connection with a disappointed symbiont.

A Dental Persuasion
Richard Tornello
The challenge was to take a simple, everyday event and then change it into a Science Fiction story.

The Blind Rebellion
J. Davidson Hero
The challenge was to craft the tale of a character on a planetary orphan caught up in a larger event without describing the world, the character's goal, or their flaw.

The Family Dog
George T. Philibin
The challenge was to tell a story where a diminutive superhero rose to right the wrongs being committed.

The Consequences of Space Travel
Sergio Palumbo
The challenge was to write a flash story inspired the theme of "Dark Matter" in two hours or less.

A Ruse Any Other Name
Mark Edgemon
The challenge was to write the tale of a human struggling to perform the perfect murder.

Fuller Foreclosure
The challenge was to write the tale of a human struggling to perform the perfect murder.

Casey Callaghan
The challenge was to write the story of a lunar colonist trying to find a last-minute gift for their significant other.

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Poetry and Filk Music

Amplitude, Altitude, Attitude
Mike Wilson

An Explorer Out There Somewhere
John Grey

Elizabeth Einspanier

I Like to Play
Robin B. Lipinski

Story Of A Death
Alex Dodo Niculae

John M. Marshall

The Others
Stephenson Muret

Best Verse of 2011

(Selected by Iain Muir)

A short note on the use of the word 'best.' These are the pieces that the Poetry Editor liked best of last year's selection. Not everyone will agree with me. Feel free to nominate others on the forum pages!

Stephen Jarrell Williams

In the Year 4000
John Grey

Report On The Recent Excavations At Norwich
David Barber

I’m Sorry, But…
Stuart Sharp

The Time Traveller's Guide To Jane Austin
David Barber

Your Life as a Genetic Holding Pattern
Bill Wolfe

Peg Powler
Richard H. Fay

How Old Am I?
Brian S. Lingard

Out Of Africa
David Barber

The Devil Speaks
Jean Jones

Renaissance ((Man))
Robin B. Lipinski

Richard Tornello

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Articles and features

Sorry, but there are no feature articles this month.

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1999-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield