Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
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Issue 150 Volume 15 March 2011


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual rants about whatever…

Serials and Long Fiction

Second Coming
E. A. Moore
A meteor shower brings a new breed of fungus toEearth. Now the animals of Oregon — including Stanley's cat, Livingston — are starting to act strangely. Why are so many animals suddenly talking? And where are they going?

The Girl With Kaleidoscope Eyes
Jeff Williams with Elizabeth Markham
What do a series of clumsy robberies have in common with a sudden change in behavior by the Nightwatch Institute's own Stephanie Keel? It will take the combined skills of Simon Litchfield and the whole Nightwatch crew to find out.

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Short Stories

Blue (As In An Early Frost)
Rob Hunter
Either LibPease was losing her mind, or her recently-deceased father and long-lost mother were haunting her through her TV. Maybe both?

Jeffrey Sorensen
Dr. William Jobe was minding his own business — more or less — watching life on Grace Street. But he had to get involved when the paramedics seemed to take a teenager against his will.

Field Work
Tristan Kloss
Thanks to his involvement in the top-secret project, Jack Langley knew more about the past than he could prove from the existing fossil record. But he had the means to change all that…

B. A. Hartman
She was the girl of his dreams, and she was going to the dance with him. Okay, so her skin was green, and when she talked, she sounded like a cross between a dovecote and a school of porpoises — with that body, nobody would care.

Ryan's World
David Garlock
There were times when Ryan Bennett thought that his life was a little strange. Jennifer showed him that he was more right than he had ever imagined.

Richard Tornello
Once, the Earth had been theirs. It had become theirs again when the Earth had changed into a frozen wasteland, and the recessive traits they had hidden in their enemies' genetic code emerged.

The Day Upside Down
Martin A. Ramos
Victor Falcone's day started out badly — falling, hitting his head, and being late for a multi-million dollar drug running flight. Meanwhile, in ancient Greece, Daedalus and Icarus had to fly — or die.

The Sky Above Pandemonium
Sergei Servianov
The reporter from the Mars-based magazine Pop Inferno thought he had found the perfect subject in Lieutenant Imoto Range — leader of the 8th Women's Sniper Platoon, beautiful but as tough and efficient as any soldier he had ever met. Following her from battle to battle only confirmed his instincts.

Where Dreams Die
Frederick Rustam
Shasty Mummert was a hillbilly, but he loved learning. His fondest ambition was to travel to the City of Scholars and become a Scholar himself. The Scholars, however, were not what he expected at all.

February 2011 Forum Flash Challenge

Congratulations to Michele Dutcher (a.k.a. bottomdweller), author of the favorite entry in the February 2011 Forum Flash Fiction Challenge. Check out "Mechanical Error" and seven more tales of the very moment when love was won, after sampling this month's editorial, poetry, short stories, and long fiction, of course…

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Poetry and Filk Music

A Haunted House
Richard H. Fay

Stephen Jarrell Williams

End of the World
Anita McQueen

Evolution Unbound
N.J.D.L Rowark

In the Year 4000
John Grey

Malthus Dreaming
David Barber

modern times
Sven Klöpping

byThomas Reynolds

Travel Log
Richard Tornello

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Articles and features

Thoughts on Writing #27: A Matter Of Perspective
Seanan McGuire
Seanan McGuire takes apart the engine of writing to find out how it works, and offers her insights into how to put it back together again.

Retrograde: A Door Into the Golden Age
Daniel C. Smith
Daniel recalls Robert Heinlein's classic novel, The Door Into Summer

Conventional Wisdom: Anachrocon 3
Dan L. Hollifield
Our Glorious Leader slips into the guise of his alter-ego Captain Vila Resthal for the third annual steampunk convention in Atlanta.

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1999-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield