Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Issue 141 Volume 14 March 2010


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual rants about whatever…

Serials and Novellas

Silver Age
J. E. Cammon
A story of the origins of super heroism in a midwestern city in the years just after the Second World War.

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Short Stories

Basilisks and Brian (and a Very Bad First Day)
Stuart Sharp
Brian Northington had stumbled into a world he had never suspected right in the heart of modern London, a world where magical — and sometimes dangerous — creatures really existed. As new jobs went, dealing with them on behalf of P. Edgeborough and Co. was — interesting.

Cadence: Of Lizards and Hounds
Christa Lasher
Cadre was a boy who thought nothing of trespassing on a neighbor's land in search of the lizards and other creatures that fascinated him. But he found a lot more than lizards in Aaron Annwn's back yard!

Fast Food Zombies
Eric Krause
Working at Buster's Cheeseburger Hut was pretty much literally a McJob. Of course, dealing with marauding packs of zombies in search of sustenance (human flesh preferred, but burgers and fries easier to catch) made it a lot more exciting.

Is There Something in the Attic?
Belinda Rees
The storm brought a blackout, and something else: something that moved around in the attic, frightening the woman and her two small children. She had to see what it was, and deal with it — that was part of the job of being a mother.

Dave Weaver
After the banks triggered the Great Depression, everything changed. Where children once sang about the Black Plague (husha, husha, we all fall down), now they sang about the Moneymen…

My Hands
Jeremy Kuban
Every author (successful or not) gets asked "Where do you get your ideas?" Here is an answer you probably haven't heard before.

The Last Concerto
James A. Andrew
Radcliffe Willows wanted to be a great composer. His work met with indifference at best — until he found a new source of inspiration.

The Problem With Gibson
Dave Weaver
Gibson was a mind-reader. Using him to make sure that the Governor didn't go off script as he began his campaign for the Presidency seemed like a no-brainer.

The Table
Ian Cordingley
The uncontrolled spread of badly-programmed nanites had made travel between the Moon and Earth into an ordeal. To qualify for the trip, Ashley would have to undergo painful and humiliating medical testing — and even she didn't know if she would pass.

Results of Forum Flash Challenges for February 2010

The February 2010 Flash Challenge was to take the example story and write it up as seen through the eyes of one of the bar patrons who were there to witness it. Because the events described take place in Dan Hollifield's (in)famous Mare Inebrium (a decidedly unwretched hive in which scum and villainy rub shoulders (or shoulder-analogs) with heroes and ordinary joes from across all of time and space), Dan has added the stories to the official Mare Inebrium archives. Congratulations to Lester Curtis, the challenge winner for February for his story Cold Call!

Flash Crowd #1 - Points of View
Dan L. Hollifield, Bill Wolfe, Lester Curtis, J. Davidson Hero, & Jaimie Elliot
Any cop can tell you that if you interview a dozen witnesses to a single crime, you'll wind up with a dozen different versions of what happened.

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Poetry and Filk Music

Mike Berger

Columns, Arches, Blocks and Walls
Robert William Shmigelsky

Howling on the Moor
Richard H. Fay

J. Davidson Hero

Just An Observation
Richard Tornello

Plantigrade People
Lester Curtis

Bruce Whealton

The Patron Saint of Dinosaurs
Jean Jones

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Articles and features

Thoughts on Writing #18: Thesaurus vs. Velociraptor
Seanan McGuire
Seanan McGuire takes apart the engine of writing to find out how it works, and offers her insights into how to put it back together again.

Off the Shelf: A Local Habitation
Rob Wynne
October "Toby" Daye returns in Seanan McGuire's second novel, A Local Habitation, out in paperback this week from DAW. Rob Wynne takes a look.

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1999-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield