Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
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Issue 138 Volume 13 November 2009


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual rants about whatever…

Serials and Novellas

New Columbia - Part Two of Three
J. B. Hogan
Ari Blanque's perilous journey continues through lawless Meshica and Long Wound…

One Day in Hell
Gregory Adams
"There are many lines in Hell; so many that it has been said that a day in Hell is a day spent waiting." An account of a day in the life of a condemned man in Hell, a place that may seem strangely familiar.

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Short Stories

A.F.T. Inc.
Erin Fanning
Jake was already the star of his high school football team, but the stranger had promised him a shot at the big time. Of course, there was a price to be paid — in advance.

Be Then What You Be
Ann Hasseler De Carrasco
Scamper's new stepmother had a problem: the woman became a small white dog whenever Scamper was around. She claimed that Scamper was a witch…and Scamper's father believed it.

Blood, Bears, and Canvas
P. F. White
A two-fisted — well, two-pawed — tale set in the dark and dirty world of underground interspecies boxing.

Dave Weaver
Eric Payne had been a good employee for Primus Disposal — right up until the moment when he ran screaming out of the teleportation feed room and tried to cut his wrists.

Thomas G. Vincent
Prince Ethelbert was something of a disappointment to his father the King. King Felder thought the boy needed to be a strong and skilled warrior to lead the kingdom; Ethelbert had other ideas.

From The Skin Of The Lamb
Gary Budgen
A war long past had erased centuries of technological progress. The naked man Esther found in the ruined church brought some of it back — but at a terrible cost.

Imagine Getting Away…
Joseph Thompson
Esau was in a rut, arranging travel for other people, but never traveling himself. Realizing how deep that rut was would change his life.

Playing God
Ilan Herman
One minute, Jack had been walking through the park. The next, he was on board a spacecraft, and his host — or captors — had a rather unusual job for him to do.

Special Effects
Chris Sharp
Christian Hodges was looking for something different to do with his family. What could be more different than the conjuring of a ghost on the beach?

Tithonus Redux
Richard Tornello
It all started when Artie took pity on the cat — the very large, apparently blind cat — that had parked itself in the middle of the road. The whole 'three wishes' thing came later.

October 2009 Forum Challenge

Congratulations to McCamy Taylor, winner of the"Campfire Ghost Stories" Forum Flash Challenge. McCamy's entry The Rites of Fall and six more Tales To Keep Campers Awake — after you have read and commented on our other stories, novellas, poetry, and features, of course. All entries are available via the Flash Index in the Fun and Games section of the Forum, provided by Nate Kailhofer, Flash Editor and Challenge Master.)

(This challenge was the second test for a new voting system combining PM'd scores by category with Poll voting. Next challenge will probably have a different system…)

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Poetry and Filk Music

But I Do Feel Safe
Richard Tornello

Donna the Donor
Richard Tornello

Nothing Up Ahead
J B Hogan

Ode to Odo
Cyndee Davis

The Sheerie
Richard H Fay

Where Owls Rove
James J Dye

Joseph Roque

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Articles and features

Thoughts on Writing #15: Follow Your Bliss
Seanan McGuire
Seanan McGuire takes apart the engine of writing to find out how it works, and offers her insights into how to put it back together again.

Serious Science Fiction Manga
McCamy Taylor
McCamy looks at three manga series that qualify as serious science fiction through detailed visions of the future — even if they're often funny, too.

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1999-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield