Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
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Issue 115 Volume 11 October 2007


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual rants about whatever…

Serials and Novellas

Magic And The Heart
Part Three of Four
McCamy Taylor
Magic is easy. The human heart is much more difficult to master. This is what Prince Marc of Suunland discovers when he enlists the aid of a powerful magician —who was once his mother's lover— to help him find his younger brother who has disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
(Read Part One and Part Twohere.)

Listening To The Words
Part One of Two
Joseph Jordan
Tony wants to get David to the space station for a life-saving procedure. David wants to see outer space before he dies. A story about second chances and last wishes.

Jesse Gordon
James has a gift for seeing the darkness beneath the surface. When an encounter with a secretive organization offers him a chance to put that gift to constructive use, he finds that there is a price to be paid for making the world a "perfect" place.

Voyage of the Centuri Dream
Joe Vadalma
An alien signal is detected by an unmanned probe off Pluto. Twenty years later, the transmission is decoded and the Centuri Dream sets sail to respond to the SOS with a crew that is part human, part robot and part something in between.

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Short Stories

A Return Trip
Dale F. Willett
Charles Edwards wanted out of his dreary, frustrating life. His imagination let him escape his stalled career and irritating wife and children for a few minutes at a time, but he always had to come back —didn't he?

A Wonderful Life
Bob Sanhueza
A future fairy tale, familiar— up to a point.

Brown Rabbit
M. B. Barlow
The crew of the Fleming Steel was being paid exceedingly well to deliver the little white crate and its contents. The card-carrying Galactic Insurrectionists had other ideas, however.

Crash Diet
E. S. Strout
By volunteering for a time travel experiment, Joe McFarland had earned his freedom. But the future wasn't nearly as much fun as he might have hoped.

J. B. Hogan
In the middle of a nerve-wracking foot patrol through insurgent-occupied territory, Specialist Karl Wagner found himself transported to another war in another time…

One Good Night Will Make Up For All The Rest
Fel Kian
Most people only THINK they live next door to the neighbors from hell. Terence, however…

The Elfin Spires
D. E. Munson
Aric had to see the magical Elfin Spires up close. But the price he had to pay was a bloody one.

The Mountain
Meghashri Dalvi
The Mountain was a legend, the only thing in the world taller than two or three times the height of a man. Prama had dreamed of seeing it, touching it, ever since his grandfather had mentioned it in passing half a lifetime ago.

Congratulations to Jaimie L. Elliott, winner of the September 2007 Flash Challenge.

Results of Forum Flash Challenge for September 2007

Congratulations to Jaimie L. Elliott, winner of the September 2007 Forum Flash Fiction Challenge. Check out Spawn of Osk by Jaimie L. Elliott and four more snack-sized morsels of twisty goodness (after you read and comment on our other fine features, of course)… And check the Fun and Games folder of the Forum around October 12th for another impossible mission in the Flash zone!

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Poetry and Filk Music

Magic Mirror
Stuart Sharp

The Ryme Of Watered Canada.
Richard Tornello

Sleeping Dragon.html
James Matthew Byers

The Compliance Officer
Daniel C. Smith

We Build Our Captors Here
John Kuhn

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Articles and features

Reader's Corner: "Fear Nothing" by Dean Koontz
TaoPhoenix gives a second look at this reissue edition of Koontz's tale

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1999-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield