Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
Short Stories
Flash Fiction
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283 Volume 27 May 2023


Back Issues Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Short Stories Flash Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual ravings about whatever…

Serialised stories and Long Fiction

The Lost Stones
Jim Mountfield
A cautionary to those inclined to accept invitations to private post-gig parties.

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Short Stories

A Good Death
John E. DeLaughter
"Life is wasted on the living—But sometimes, it ISN'T—But maybe you have to die a few times to figure that out…"

Clear For Action
Dan L. Hollifield
"Even if all else fades away into the mists of time, an oath, once sworn, still has power—to an honorable man…"
Inspired by artwork by Nick Tockert.

It is what it isn't
Gordon Rowlinson
"New tech always has—'teething problems.' Especially when the physics is unproven…"

The Dew Pond
E.V. Wallace
"Some treasures have—Guardians. The finder of those ofttimes needs to beware…"

The Fixer
Damir Salkovic
"Sometimes, you need someone who 'solves' problems. The bigger the problem, the more you need a Fixer…"

The Sling
G. A Thresh
"The early FTL tech was not always as dependable as a pilot could wish. But, things could be worse…"

The Worm King
Micháel McCormick
"Belief, and Classic Literature, have a power all their own. Belief in Classic Literature—That's a doozy…"

Two Of Hearts
Joel Doonan
"Into every life, a little rain must fall—thankfully…"

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Flash Fiction

Fresh Meat
Matthew Spence
The deer are biting this season...

Galactic Union
Christopher T. Dabrowski
A visa? Well, you see..."

Red Scorpions
Dan A. Cardoza
"A human geologist can do in a week what the Mars rovers can do in a year."

The Cube
Timothy Wilkie
In the back of every mind a monster lurks.

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Poetry and Filk Music

by C. Walker

Bela Lugosi
by Jean Jones

Boom City Attack
by Sebastian Popescu

Dust in Going
by Meg Smith

by Jean Jones

The Incredible Disappearance of The Battered Child
by Stephen A. Rozwenc

Little Brown Changeling
by Lauren Scharhag

by Lori R. Lopez

Robotic Cats
by Petrouchka Alexieva

The Vampire
by Alexis Child

Vast of the Night
by David Baresch

Word SuperCollider
by Kenneth Vincent Walker

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Streaming Chat Shows

At the links below you can find archives of the live-streaming chat shows run by the Director of HallowCon and myself. WARNING: Contains Language!

Stupid O'Clock
Showrunner: Joe McKeel
This show is best described as a group of friends hanging out at a science fiction/fandom convention in the hotel lobby/bar and chatting with everyone that walks up. We may even have a guest or two. We start out with no topic. We spend two hours chatting and reading comments. Many times we never know what we will talk about but we cover many topics. Many times a viewer tosses out a comments and we will chase it down the rabbit hole.
But rest assured we had fun and hopefully you do too.
Brought to you by Hallowcon, Stupid O'clock, and Rising Tide Productions.

Last Man Standing
Showrunner: Dan L. Hollifield
A late night, after-hours chat show. The guests featured are SF&F writers, artists, musicians, comic book creators, SMOFs, and members of fandom in general.
Usually, It either starts off slow and boring and picks up speed as guests join in, or it continues on at full speed from whatever discussion was in progress on Stupid O'clock when that show ended. This thing can go on for hours once it gets rolling. Guests are welcome to join at any time, but trolls will be punted for field goals. The content is somewhat PG, or even more adult, but is intended to be entertainment for reasonably adult audiences.
Brought to you by Aphelion Webzine, Hallowcon, Stupid O'clock, and Rising Tide Productions.
All music composed and copyrighted by Dan L. Hollifield, 2022.

Tidbits And Scribbles
Showrunner: McKayla Jade
Author McKayla Jade hosts a creative writing chat show on alternate Tuesday evenings on her YouTube channel. I'm a frequent panelist there, along with many Rising Tide and other online friends. Panelists featured are writers, editors, indie publishers, artists, and other creatives. Topics covered include writing, editing, cover art, self-promotion, staying motivated, research, networking, attending conventions and book shows, etc.

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