Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
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Issue 175 Volume 17 July 2013


Archives Editorial Serials and Long Fiction Poetry and Filk Music Short Stories Features Series


Dan L. Hollifield

The Senior Editor's usual rants about whatever…

Serials and Long Fiction

Cutters and Crazies
Jason Wisecup
How does one find a person who is everyone and no one, in all places and nowhere?  ADULT CONTENT.

The Light From Below
Rick Grehan
They were warned not the dam up the river to build a lake. But did they listen? No. Now the insurance adjuster's job is to piece together what happened to the lake and its wealthy builder. This is not the Johnstown Flood. This is something much more sinister.

Aphelion Explorer
And introducing a brand-new shared universe here at Aphelion, one years in the making. Here's the complete story so far…

The Aphelion Project
Bill Wolfe, Casey Callaghan, J. Davidson Hero, Richard Tornello, Robert Moriyama, William R. Warren, Jr., and N.J. Kailhofer

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Short Stories

Almost Done
Andrew Saxsma
How did the man across the street know that Ray was stuck on his dissertation?

Court Dresser
Roderick D. Turner
Fabric, dyes, makeup, and flowers were Fessington's tools in a very different look at noble ambitions.

Illegally Parked UFO
N. E. Riggs
Inexperienced Kumar didn't really fit in at NASA until an alien and a traffic cop showed up outside their doors.

Christy Boston
Kind-hearted Mollie never understood why the others prisoners hated her or why the fires were coming for them all.

Little Green Things
William R. Warren, Jr.
A never-before-seen installment in a new shared universe series, The Aphelion Project.

Rip Tide
James Neale
Sailors and a dragon gamble against a man who could see everything they were about to do.

Soigné Voyage
George Schaade
The bombshell secret of the doomed liner's journey had been staring them in the face the whole time.

Sprint Hack
Zac Miller
Nelson chafed for years against his "perfect" competitors until he made his own solution.

The Emperor's Servant
Owen Harrison
Gregor knew service to the Emperor took total commitment. Anyone who gave less than all he had was a traitor.

The Perfect Meal
Stanley Wilkin
The biggest challenge to settling the planet was that humans tasted so good.

Results of Forum Flash Challenge for May-June 2013

The May-June challenge was taken Michele Dutcher with her story "Twins", and congratulations to her. True to form, Michele refused the anonymous cash prize, letting it ride for another month.

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Poetry and Filk Music

60 to 80 feet
Richard Tornello

All the Astronauts
Denny E Marshall

Below the Purple Waves
Jonathan A. Stefanovic

For Some Copper
Eric Otto

Light Headed
Richard Tornello

Plato's Cave
Clinton Van Inman

September Griffis

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Articles and features

Alas, there were no feature articles this month.

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Aphelion Webzine is © 1999-2023 by Dan L. Hollifield