Aphelion Issue 298, Volume 28
September 2024
Long Fiction and Serials
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Astral Traveling

by Stephen A. Rozwenc

Astral traveling
Between breakfast and midnight

Embossed shifts
Drift in seas of ecstasy

Ribbons of Tuareg wind
Color rainbow valleys

Dandelions nest
In firefly constellations

Flamenco tree toads
Croon spiritual nipples

Drunken gods burp intelligence
Effulge recompense

Free will descends like testicles
From sky born luminosity

Civilization's little whites lies
Paddle never

Karma trauma vespers
Soothe Chinese tiger monkey drama

© 2024 Stephen A. Rozwenc

Stephen A. Rozwenc is an American expat poet who resides in Thailand. He has published 6 collections of poetry. Four of his books are currently available on Amazon. In the last 12 years more than 300 of his poems have appeared in print journals and online venues in the United States, Europe, and Asia. He has also published a collection of translations of famous Russian poets in collaboration with professor Victor Peppard, a Russian language, literature, and culture expert from the University of South Florida. In addition, there are Youtube presentations on his channel with him reading some of his poems.

Find more by Stephen A. Rozwenc in the Author Index.