Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Watching Bad Lt

by Jean Jones

Zoe from Bad Lt
says to the Bad Lt,
"Vampires are lucky,
they can feed on others,
we have to feed on ourselves,"
talking about addicts and addiction,
and I see it everywhere
and everyday where I live—
A rising homeless population,
homeless people bringing
stolen items to the pawn
shop I work at,
desperate people
doing desperate things,
and I think about Philip
K Dick the prophet—
He predicted the future
so well in
Scanner Darkly
"They wanted to have a good
time, but they were like children
playing in the street—"
All those children ended up dead,
like the women vampires
I knew— All dead of overdoses
and the limitless horizon
filled with more and more of them,
the homeless, like the walking dead,
products of our consumerism
and desire—

©2024 Jean Jones

Jean Jones has an MFA in Creative Writing Poetry from Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. He teaches English as a Second Language part-time at Cape Fear Community College in Wilmington, and is regularly published by Horror Zine and Aphelion Webzine.

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