Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
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by J. B. Hogan

Projecting out to ultimate event horizon,
darkness of black hole, emptiness of eternity,
vastness of infinity, unfathomable meaning of
existence - or not - why something not nothing,
bright light of Egyptian Book of Dead
some paradise of gold and wine and joy
some feverish demon-ruled underworld or
simply nothing and not knowing, a blank dream
of never waking, peace without knowing,
perhaps a doorway, but where, how, why, or
simply nothing and not knowing not even a blank dream
from which never to awaken or to know.

© 2023 J. B. Hogan

J. B. Hogan has been published in a number of journals including the Blue Lake Review, Crack the Spine, Copperfield Review, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Well Read Magazine, and Aphelion. His eleven books include Bar Harbor, Mexican Skies, Living Behind Time, Losing Cotton, and The Apostate. He lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Find more by J. B. Hogan in the Author Index.