Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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I wish you were a vampire

by Jean Jones

I wish you were a vampire,
And like Lestat in Interview with the Vampire,
Visit me and, attracted by my loneliness and aloofness,
Offer me immortality.
and because I was so stunned
by your offer, I would accept
and in your passion
You would drain me to
the point of death,
every drop of my blood
in your mouth,
down your throat
and I would moan
with pleasure knowing
you took everything of me
in your mouth,
and the last words
I would hear as a human
would be you saying,
"Get ready to see your
last sunrise, for this
is just the beginning-"

© 2023 Jean Jones

Jean Jones has an MFA in Creative Writing Poetry from Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. He teaches English as a Second Language part-time at Cape Fear Community College in Wilmington, and is regularly published by Horror Zine and Aphelion Webzine.

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