Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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A Devil's Pact

by Alshaad Kara

Our curtains were swinging apart,
And the leaves were out there on the balcony…

Signifying that you decided to leave your den with no premonition.

I felt like sending eagles to sneak up on you,
But it was too late…

You were already eaten by the crowds of crows.

The scent of your dead corpse was a mischief of spiders,
Unleashing cobwebs all over your skeleton.

Now all that remains is the revenant of our kingdom,
With my scent staining the last breath of our realm,
And my soul wandering with the other ghosts of the castle.

© 2023 Alshaad Kara

Alshaad Kara is a Mauritian poet who writes from his heart. His latest poems were published in one anthology, "Love Letters in Poetic Verse", two magazines, "100subtexts issue 7" and "Prodigy Magazine-February 2023" and one journal, "Orion's Beau Winter 2023: A Love Worth Losing".

Find more by Alshaad Kara in the Author Index.