Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
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It Crushes our Sins

by David Baresch

He paid for a mansion, he tarred the garden,
He turned it into a tennis court,
But that knife of grass, it severed its way,
It split that tar, it reached for the stars.

He sent for his hacks, maintenance hacks,
"Get rid of that grass! Repair those cracks!"
But time passed, the blades broke through,
They greened a world of a sky, ice blue.

Years passed, the lord aged,
These were now his wintery days,
So, he rested with tomes in his study room,
And he read of a world choking with doom.

And out from his window he looked and he saw,
The shadow of tar laid bare no more,
Verdure grew, foliage swayed,
As emerald freed from its chemical grave.

"Nature wins," whispered the lord,
His tone now weighty with grim,
"It dances with winds, pure air it brings,
It crushes humanity's deadliest sins."

© 2023 David Baresch

David Baresch has published with…

  • Aphelion Webzine
  • XR-Hub
  • The Telegraph media
  • New Humanist
  • Austin McCauley
David Baresch also…
  • Produces and publishes music videos
  • Creates and publishes original quotations

Find more by David Baresch in the Author Index.