Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Fall Thunder

by Michael Lee Johnson

There is power in the thunder tonight, kettledrums.
There is thunder in this power.
The powder blends white lightning,
flour sifters in masks toss it around.
Rain plunges October night, and dancers
crisscross the night sky in white gowns.
Tumble, turn, swirl the night away, around,
leaves tape-record over, over, pound,
pound repeat falling to the ground.
Halloween falls on the children's
knees and imaginations.

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© 2022 Michael Lee Johnson.

Michael Lee Johnson lived ten years in Canada during the Vietnam era. Today he is a poet in the greater Chicagoland area, IL. He has 266 YouTube poetry videos. Michael Lee Johnson is an internationally published poet in 44 countries, several published poetry books, nominated for 5 Pushcart Prize awards and 6 Best of the Net nominations. He is editor-in-chief of 3 poetry anthologies, all available on Amazon, and has several poetry books and chapbooks. He has over 443 published poems. Michael is the administrator of 6 Facebook Poetry groups. Member Illinois State Poetry Society: http://www.illinoispoets.org/

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