Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
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Broken Lines

by Taiwo Oluseye Odesanya

When I try to reach out,
The world becomes a morgue,
Quiet, double ticks no reply,
All the lights go off,
I am an orphan in my father's house,
My heart carries loneliness,
I have three friends,
My shadow, my voice, and gloominess,
Knocked sideways by-
Life thorny kisses,
Turn my depression on-
Shred my dreams & fight demons in my sleep,
Sometimes my head carries too much weight,
Like the night lives in there,
A hive of broken bottles,
& help is nowhere near,
The world is a busy place,
When I go, no one would miss me.

© 2022 Taiwo Oluseye Odesanya

Taiwo Oluseye Odesanya is a Nigerian poet, non-fiction writer, blogger, and history enthusiast. He is an Information Systems graduate from Middlesex University London with a deep passion for writing. He calls writing his first love and hopes to write something "groundbreaking" about remarkable events from the past because of his undying love for history. Some of his works are published on Kalahari review, Lion and Lilac and elsewhere.

Find more by Taiwo Oluseye Odesanya in the Author Index.