Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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A Dream Come True

Trnslated by Richard Tornello

A story related to me from one of the Yamayoshi family , a family of ancient seers and samurai.

The great-granddaughter of a highly placed Shinto priest and a devout Buddhist great-grandmother shares the DNA of unified vision. It's similar to what artists, writers, scientists and great religious/philosophical figures desired throughout history, the ability to see the unity in all things at a most fundamental level. Some have gained it. She dreams things like most of us but then she does have the most disturbing dreams that can only be described as messages. Here below I have translated her story.


In the dream, a great despair, the weight too great to bear
This weight swallowed her being, no escape, pinned down and deep fear.
She gave no name, though we call her we still mythologicaly hear:
Mother Earth, Mother Nature and GAIA to those these words may care.
And suit us fine for the tale below. For in truth, the truth itself, who knows?
The weight, the despair was the world shutting down.
Not like winter, waiting for a rebirth our star orbit around.
No, this was more profound.
Add a feeling of a slowly skilled deliberate torturous strangulation,
a heavy beating heart, a drowning
if you ever have been in that situation you know what I may mean. Where life itself, is slipping away.
Once upon a great time ago the two dead planets were once as Earth blue
fecund and with life habited, and now Earth would soon be ground.
Her home, her love she cried. What have I done? What can I do?
This is beyond my control, my powers my soul.
To the higher powers she made a plea. Some potion or tonic please be granted me.
Consternation among the yet greater universal powers, but though pity came
aware it was not her fault but a price would be paid,
consequences would be and the cost unstated.
She swiftly drank the draught and fell into a deep and lengthy sleep.
Time, not a measure kept by seers, and so, so deep that this seer couldn't relate.
The potion worked and more alight once awake but still not whole,
the antidote…more time to take hold.
Whatever it was that drove her being down, slowly was lifted while
through out the Earth much of it dissipated though unknown was deadly bound
and most the heavy burden was ingested and by bats infested and to humans transferred yet again.
The cost not revealed was to the humans infected
a disease that had the code to alter-preserve the slighted attempt to its growth scientifically halter.
And as much as the human monkey attempted through science and hope,
the disease kept changing and throughout the planet it again and again broke.
Time and time again to no avail until just a few were left of this planet to avail.
And yes, other deep consequences were yet to arrive,
but to those, in her dream she was not privy except those like her are to be kept alive.
The universe is totally connected. One thing out of balance is related and must be corrected.
The Earth's situation was ignored for reasons unknown
we are now the antidote's corrections and cost being shown.

© 2021 Richard Tornello

Richard Tornello began writing short stories and poems about 14 years ago. He has self-published four children’s books including one self-illustrated book of poems.

Rick was the art editor of Quantum Muse and has been published in Aphelion-webzine.com, Orion’s Arm.com, ShortHumour.org.uk, Poetry Hall, a Chinese & English Bilingual Journal, and has few stories in the anthologies “A Flash of Aphelion,” “Fantastical Savannahs And Jungles”, “XENOBIOLOGY” and most currently “BLEAKEST TOWERS”. He’s assisted with the translation of some poetry for a Chinese poet.

He studied at The Art Students League in NYC and later picked up a degree in History with an advanced certification in Asian Studies from Rutgers University. Postgraduate studies concentrated in Chinese maritime history.

He with and two partners started and owned one of the first nationally based resume database companies specializing in high tech, computer security and various advanced systems of specialized nature. He continues to have a strong interest in propulsion physics and XXXXXXXXXX CLASSIFIED Alien XXXXXXX CLASSIFIED systems.

Rick also competed in off-hand pistol and bench rest shooting for over 20 years and continues to shoot, draw, and write after retiring from headhunting two years ago

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