Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Not One of Us

by Alexis Child

Pain trickles through my
Fingers like water
Menacing witches float downwards
In this new earth of emptiness
It rains and the wind is never weary
Clinging to a moldering past
There is a roaring noise to
The whispers I hear inside
Locked doors, rats and angels
In the attic of melting mind

Every atom of blood
Which would you curse
I must be dreaming
Something supernatural
The moon howls back
Lonely and black
I sit with you under the dry earth
The chrysalis opens
Your image flickers in the dark
I try to hold this lifeless ghost
You are so distant, yet so close

I spread my melancholy like dandelions
In one quick whisper of a breath
No longer will it take from me
I have decided to let go of my slow death
The pain of growth
The beauty of letting go
This redemption
Let it pour now
Let it rain
For evil lives all around
Let it rain more for our sorrow
And these flames that waste away

The wind is mournful
Like slithering shadows across the room
Chilled fingers creep across the glass
Living within us now as a dying god
Gather them up like sleeping flowers
Where all the forgotten children go to
Mourn their solitude
And conversations with the past

© 2021 Alexis Child. All rites reserved until the worms crawl in…

Alexis Child hails from Toronto, Canada; home to dreams and nightmares. She worked at a Call Crisis Center befriending demons of the mind that roam freely amongst her writings. Alexis once lived with a Calico-cat child sleuthing all that went bump in the night and is haunted by the memory of her cat. Alexis is currently working on her second poetry collection and starving in the garret with her muse. A starving child is a frightful sight. A starving vampire is even worse. Please donate non-perishable food items and B-negative blood (and make it a double!).

Her fiction has been featured in Danse Macabre, Schlock, Screams of Terror, and U.K.’s Dark of Night Magazine. Her poetry has been featured in numerous online and print publications, including Aphelion, Black Petals, Blood Moon Rising Magazine, Grotesque, The Horror Zine, The Sirens Call and elsewhere. Her first collection of poetry, Devil In The Clock, is now available on Amazon.

Visit her website: http://www.angelfire.com/poetry/alexischild/. Please also visit Alexis' YouTube Channel

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