Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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A Walk With Dante

by Jean Jones

I feel you are like Virgil
walking my soul
through my hell
pointing out the different levels
I have fallen into-

You show me the sign-
"Abandon hope,
all ye who enter here-"

You show me where I currently
live- In the second circle,
with Paolo and Francesca
blown back and forth
by the winds of passion-

I scream to you to
"Help me!"
You respond-
"You placed yourself there-
You can get yourself out-"

So I force myself down
from the winds,
with K, S, and D,
circling around

and I find myself
following you
as you take me to
the Ninth Circle-

where great Lucifer's
frozen wings and tears
freeze this ninth level of Hell-

You point to the place
where if I go
past Lucifer

I follow this comedy
to Heaven
where my wife
waits, if I wish to meet her

and when I ask
what happens if I don't
climb up, past frozen Lucifer?

You show me another place-
a place with Second Century furniture
"If you go there, you cannot come out,"
You warn,

That is the place of "No Exit,"
there you make your bed with
S, K , and D
and there, your hell
will be "other people,"

"Good luck with that."

© 2020 Jean Jones

Jean Jones teaches English as a Second Language Basic Skills for Cape Fear Community College. He has an MFA in Creative Writing from Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio and has a book of poems available on Amazon.com entitled Beyond Good and Evil. He has had poems published in Aphelion as well as Horror Zine online.

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