Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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The Binary Star

by Meg Smith

I might open a book to the right page,
with black-and-white photos
in a blur of light.
Your entreaties reach
but this light is fading.
All I have given up,
I have given up
from this place on Earth.
The light falls into darkness.
I am fixed, in this orbit
from light to dark.

© 2020 Meg Smith

Meg Smith is a poet, writer, journalist, dancer and events producer living in Lowell, Mass. Her poems have appeared in The Cafe Review, Pudding, Poetry Bay,The Horror Zine, Silver Blade, Raven Cage, The Blue Hour Anthology, and many more.

Her most recent poetry books, Pretty Green Thorns, Night's Island, This Scarlet Dancing and Dear Deepest Ghost, are available on Amazon. She welcomes visits to megsmithwriter.com.

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