Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Eternal Reunion

(Cathy and Heathcliff)

by Niloufar Behrooz

Into the night he strides ahead.
He looks as if raised from the dead,
Disheveled clothes and windswept hair,
A cloak of grief he's damned to wear.
The wind blows harsh words in his ears,
Remembrance of his lifelong fears.
How he lost his only true friend,
How time has failed to fix, to mend.

But now he's going to meet her,
A meeting that naught can deter.
His heart pounds with painful pleasure
As he gets close to his treasure.
Creeping and crawling to the tomb.
He smiles as he plans to exhume.
Digging deep he detects the ground.
He sees the coffin, treasure found.

Her flawless face looks just the same.
She's resting in her graceful frame.
He lies there holding her cold hand.
Thinking of when their love was banned.
They all tried to keep them apart
But now he's holding his sweetheart.
Eyes closed, lips shut, a peaceful smile.
He yields to death after a while.

They glimmer in the pale moonlight
As their souls at last reunite.

© 2020 Niloufar Behrooz

Niloufar Behrooz is a PhD candidate of English Literature at the university of Isfahan, Iran. She's a lecturer, self-taught musician, and night owl. Her work has appeared in Classical Poets Society, Lighten Up Online, Parody, Loch Raven Review, Literary Hatchet, Litro, World Haiku Review and elsewhere. Her most recent nonfiction will appear in an upcoming anthology. You can find her on Instagram @niloufarbehrooz

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