Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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The Tigers of Wrath are Wiser

by Jonathan Beale

Wittgenstein in the garden of Babel
After Peter Porter

The world is as: words lay
As heaped autumnal leaves.
Devoid of life now - having
Been sent through - a mind and mouth:

Out of a window – trees evolve
Too slowly to be seen, too quick
For time’s body. The picture is hung -
At An Angle to complete – to perceive.

Xeno’s shadow; lurks around.
Before Wittgenstein’s light and darkness
Cast his shadow of the vision
Of the scene: cold light breaks in Finland.

Given the razored edge
Of Nature's abstruse abstract.
Cut by silence the brooding angry
ddddddddddddddddddddd. whose language is what it is.

© 2017 Jonathan Beale

Jonathan Beale studied Philosophy and lives in Surrey. He has numerous poems published in over 50 journals around the world. His work can be found in such books as ‘Drowning’ and ‘The Poet as Sociopath’ (Scar publications). His first collection of poetry, ‘The Destinations of Raxiera’ is published by Hammer & Anvil, and is included in Macabristas d'Honneur
His second volume is looking for a publisher, and he is currently working on his third volume. 
His work has recently been published in Anti Heroin Chic, Dissident Voices, Red Fez, Sheepshead Review, Aphelion, Linnets Wing, aaduna, Horror Sleaze Trash, Bluepepper, Yagrasil, et al.

Find more by Jonathan Beale in the Author Index.

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