Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
Long Fiction and Serials
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Our Younger Brother

by ayaz daryl nielsen

Younger brother, born
a bit different and
all the more lovable
because of supposed
disabilities, tells us
fairies danced upon
his window sill during
nighttime’s full moons
and they wanted him
to live with them-
and he does.
Moonlit nights,
sister and I slip
through the window
to dance, sing, laugh
with our brother and
his beloved fairies.
Mother, with her
all-seeing cat-like
eyes, pointed ears
covered by naturally
blue hair, has
cookies, cocoa,
hugs, kisses for all,
while dad just grins,
plays his panpipes,
and taps his cloven hoofs.

© 2017 ayaz daryl nielsen

ayaz daryl nielsen, veteran, hospice nurse, ex-roughneck (as on oil rigs) lives in Longmont, Colorado, USA. Editor of bear creek haiku (26+ years/135+ issues) with poetry published worldwide (and deeply appreciated), he also is online at: bear creek haiku poetry, poems and info

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