Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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A Dream of Utopia

By Jason Constantine Ford

The rulers in charge of pleasures sweet which never dry
Promise to provide an endless food supply
For citizens desiring wealth without the sweat.

As droids are gathering crops around a field,
Databases print records of healthy summer yield
Across the many zones secured within a safety net.

A system where the people have the choice to roam
Zones without restriction like another home
Cannot prepare for virus ready to attack.

As city's key defenses sleep throughout the night,
Ignorance rapidly rises to a greater height
As fiends observe protective data they desire to crack.

Previously published in Issue 5 of Allegro Poetry, July 2015.

© 2016 Jason Constantine Ford

Jason Constantine Ford is from Perth in Australia. He has over a hundred publications of poetry and fiction in various literary magazine, ezines and journals from around the world. Edgar Alan Poe and William Blake are his main influences. Bram Stroker is his main influence for fiction.

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