Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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We’re Going to Roast a Pig!

by Ray Prew

I heard footsteps coming down the hall to my cell, there stood the master with something to tell. “We’re going to roast a pig,” said he. “And we want you to help us prepare the feast. You will be an honored guest at tonight’s supper, after this you’ll be set free and you’ll no longer suffer.”

My pain pleased the master that was the first thing I learned. My flesh he would pierce my skin he would burn. Often he would personally inflect my wounds he said my screams helped him to sooth.

I eagerly agreed to help with the feeding, just to end the daily torture and beatings. I left my cell for the first time in three years. I squinted at the bright sunlight as I was greeted with applause and cheers.

“You’re going to help us roast a pig!” the master said again with a smile” We’ll soon enjoy sounds and smells we haven’t had in a while.” The smells and sounds of a roasting pig would soon fill the air, and as an honored guest I would be there.

At first they made me chop the wood because after all a pig must be roasted thoroughly and good. Next, I had to dig the fire pit. I was told to dig it long and deep, because a hot long burning fire it must keep. You need to roast a pig precisely and all that chopped wood would do nicely.

Then I had to make a barbeque spit and throw all the chopped up wood into the pit. When all of the work was done, the master looked pleased and ready for fun.

The master reminded me “We wanted to roast a pig, and now because of you we are able.” He told to wash up and get clean to be worthy to sit at the dinner table. As I washed off all the dirt and grime only the taste of roasted pig was on my mind. I hadn’t eaten in a week, the hunger and beatings were making me meek. After three years of torture they finally freed me, I hoped if I did a good job they would finally feed me.

I built the barbeque spit, chopped all the wood, and dug out the pit, the master inspected my work and said it was good. After all this work and effort surely I’d be fed, the thought of a full belly danced in my head.

My final task was to light the fire. Suddenly my hands were being tied behind me with wire! Then they tied me to the spit and lifted me up and over the pit. While the flames licked my skin and the heat seared my flesh, the master told his friends that this meat was fresh.

As the master whispered into my ear, that soon death would set me free, I finally understood the pig they were going to roast was me.

© 2015 Ray Prew

Ray Prew was originally from Rhode Island, but now lives in Florida. He is a graduate of the New England Institute of Technology. He has been a blue-collar worker all his life, and started writing as a hobby. He spent nine enjoyable years as a phone psychic. His work has been published in Spinetinglers magazine, one of the stories was used in a trivia quiz. Another was used on a You Tube page and is narrated by someone, it is called "Some Monsters Are Real" and yet another was made into a short video on You Tube called "let me out". He has been published in Blood Moon Rising (poetry and prose), Aphelion magazine and several others. He has an anthology book of published and unpublished stories available on Amazon called Delightful Nightmares.

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