Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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The Horse Head Nebula’s Whore

by Richard Tornello

Oh to the gods she swore
The Horse Head Nebula’s whore
A curse upon all matter dark and bright
that her gas cloud’s touch would blight.
All and deep within
twisting the minds of any kin
to who her star dust gave
life and thought, gave too an early grave.
And whether newly born or eons before formed
If her touch was felt,
this girdle, tightly bound, and there is no way around;
then her curse, eternity surrounds

And why this universe so cursed? 

From the 4th dimension burst
A lover, long forever lost;
with eternity’s love promised
that cannot be forsaked,  that promise made
nor her love lost slaked.

So lost to her, she her sworn curse makes
Upon Us, and all,
we, whom she has touched
In one form or other,  we act out
and in our world we see it year in
and borne year out.

© 2014 Richard Tornello

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