Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Fenrir's Pain

by Chastity King

When I still ran free in Asgard
and we were worlds apart
I could not hold you in my arms
so I held you in my heart

I lov'd you with a love so deep
They make no words to say
I lov'd you in a time when men were young
As I love you still today

You brought a light to darkness
That I had held inside so long
You gave meaning to the words
And music to the song

The sun and moon shone brighter
For they cast their light on you
And I each day grew calmer
For what the world might do

I cared no more for destiny or war
Or the evil that gods and men may see
My thought drifted to serene and peaceful times
With you so close to me

But when they took me from you
And chained me out of fear
My hatred grew a thousand fold
Without your voice to hear

Sons light no longer warmed me
As Mani no longer brought me sleep
And the only thing that kept me
Was the day I would make them weep

I will take from them their light
As they have taken mine
And they will be in darkness
With no warmth to feel or find

I will take from them their king of kings
To which they kneel and pray
Their Pleas and sobs be answered not
When on my ears they lay

And after I have devoured all
That laid or came into my path
And they cry and suffer
For waking up my wrath

I will leave them then
Cold and in the dark alone
To see if they can bear in tenth the pain
My heart alone has known

Previously published in "Eternal Haunted Summer" magazine, Spring 2014

© 2015 Chastity King

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