Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Crossed Wires

by Robin B. Lipinski

Making a wrong turn, turning left when right was short in the long run.
Rising to bump your head on a corner of a cupboard door slowly coming open.
We've all made mistakes in our lives more than once or twice.

Area 51 with dead aliens and crashed flying saucers…
Baltic Sea and smashed ships from space laying on the bottom, broken into pieces…
Monkeys 'evolving' into humans instead of intelligent whales, an experimental error…

A dash of sugar instead of salt.
Having sex when 'no' means 'yes'.
Giving such titles as, 'Military Intelligence,' when no such concept exists.

Sending small payloads atop tons of explosive fuel into the orbit of space.
Blaming mankind for global climate change.
Mixing toxic chemicals together and calling the result, medicine.

Words such as crazy, moronic, and insane come to mind when dealing with intelligent species of the Universe.
Species all part of a cosmic experiment, a game; sport with a score.
Taking wrongs and making them right while rightly screwing up royally.

Are those tears flowing from Gods eyes in sadness, or is God laughing at the good joke?

Intelligent stupidity never ends.

© 2014 Robin B. Lipinski

Robin B. Lipinski claims to be addicted to writing. It helps that his good dreams are other people's nightmares. There is not much to know about him other than he shares this planet with you and others.

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