Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Solar Being

by ayaz daryl nielsen

solar beings, we circle again
as the sun hisses 'this is it!
time doesn't return what
the wind sweeps away
night winds never blow
the same way twice
hidden, hidden are even your
faintest murmurs of inner magics'
and our sun insists 'what is sacred
can always be recovered.
merge your knowns with the
unknown, your pasts with the future,
all, together, as one solar being
without want or need to claim
anything other than chance
within the winds
of celestial substance'

© 2014 ayaz daryl nielsen

ayaz daryl nielsen, husband, father, veteran, ex-roughneck (as on oil rigs) and hospice nurse, editor of bear creek haiku (24+ years/119+ issues), poetry's homes include Lilliput Review, The Stray Branch, Dead Snakes, Shamrock, SCIFAIKUEST, Shemom. Ensembles include Concentric Penumbras of the Heart and Tumbleweeds Still Tumbling, released 2013Ős anthology The Poets of Bear Creek. Beloved wife/poet Judith Partin-Nielsen, worthy assistant Frosty, and bearcreekhaiku.blogspot.com.

(translates as joie de vivre).

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