Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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God Judges With Armies

by Jean Jones

God judges with armies,
and where the "corpse lies, eagles will gather."

Matthew 24:28, King James Version: "For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together."

What does this mean? People as vultures will gather around false prophets who teach death?
Jerusalem will be judged by armies who bear the standard of the Eagle, the Roman Empire?
The judgment of God will be sudden, swift, and unmistakable?
God will judge those soon those who have been given the opportunity but choose to deny it?
Maybe all of these things, at the same time.
The slave owners in Georgia and South Carolina were convinced the end times had arrived when Sherman's army arrived,
and yet, many to most of the slaves felt the Day of Jubilee had arrived at the exact same time.
Perhaps God coming into our lives suddenly will be like that:
A day of retribution, and a day of judgment, and a day of Jubilee all at the same time:
It depends on where you stand with God when He arrives in your life.

© 2013 Jean Jones

Jean Jones attended St. Andrews Presbyterian College and received his B.A. in English from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. He later went on to receive an M.F.A. degree in creative writing from Bowling Green State University.

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