Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Soul of Thor

by Robin B. Lipinski

Simple form squished out of a wet womb
disfigured head
and oh the squalling
covered in blood and followed with now useless placenta
a first breath in a world of confusion

mighty in a statement far from the bellow of war
gods forged in anger
mated sexual pleasure
Aphrodite, Zeus, Thor...
(names cannot be released of more)

she was a stranger walking beneath a night sky empty of moon
and still she cast shadow
laying with thoughts bare
she moaned.

moaning now as the birthing moment dictated
her babies first breath
she never knew his father
thrusts of what was
does not exist.

moons full armor to hold the demons sway
hounds of Hades howl
dark of night now revealed
a baby swaddled,

mothers eyes met his as she once met his
eyes of burning embers
now this child viewed a world
flames giving fright she cried
knowing now the world would be his.

(humanity knows of fables; endless the religion and yet the end truly is)

© 2013 Robin B. Lipinski

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