Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Aliens Are Not Superstitious About

by Les Merton

crossed knives,
the number 13,

single magpies,
spilling salt,

walking under ladders
passing on the stairs,

broken mirrors,
opening an umbrella in the house,

killing an albatross,
wearing a hat in bed,

cutting their fingernails on a Sunday,
putting shoes on a table,

stepping on cracks in the pavement,
shooting stars,

and last but by no means least
aliens are not superstitious
about visiting planet earth.


Previous published in 2011 by Palores Publications in Dreckly - a collection of possibilities ISBN 978 1 906845 24 7

© 2013 Les Merton

Les Merton is an award winning poet and the founder editor of Poetry Cornwall. He enjoys writing Sci Fi or futuristic poetry. He became a Bard of Gorsedh Kernow for services to Cornish Literature in 2004; his Bardic name is Map Hallow (Son of the Moors).

Find more by Les Merton in the Author Index.

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