Witches and Warlocks
by Richard Tornello
Witches and warlocks,
things that go boo,
Bore me to tears.
How about you?
Brain in a vat?
Let’s talk about that.
One matrix needed.
No need to cross back
repotted…again, and again.
How much more money
for that same old The End?
(when Hunting a difference late
one October)
I echolocated….on covers quite fancy,
technical contrivances, spun over and over.
The themes, they were bonded; most seem inane.
New fresh ideas?
No, they’re mostly the same,
Write by the numbers,
‘appears how it’s done:
Plug in the names and some
historical facts;
while into that, stir some political acts.
With Computers, run silent,
With Computers, run deep,
Pour into database;
let the scenarios steep.
Something quite different.
Approach a new fact.
Guess what may happen if you take a new tack!
Witless and warlike.
Things that will kill.
Witless and warlike are things that will sell.
© 2009 Richard Tornello
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