Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Where One's Heading

by James J. Dye

There is a haunted locus on a desinent path
As well as a harbinger along the way,
As well as a meadow turning down and gray,
There is a haunted locus on a desinent path
As well as a pumpkin lit eating darkness,
As well as an owl lying motionless
To wait for wrath and prey.

Do not belay in this haunted locus, the fog rolls past
As well as the harbinger lights and fights the wrath.
Since the locus of hell, the blacktop elite rise
I will stride as well as track their stalling eyes
As well as alert: the bleached-white owl flies
Over a haunted locus on a desinent path.

Even so, I’ll stride as I track their stalling eyes
As well as fly as the the bleached-white owl flies,
Since the owl is their symbol and the owl lies
Over a haunted locus on a desinent path.

© 2009 James J. Dye

James Dye is a college student from Dubuque Iowa.

Find more by James J. Dye in the Author Index.

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