by Jon Stocks
Summer Saturday, early June
Train easing along the Lincoln line
Kiveton Bridge to Shireoaks
Lavender and woodbine.
Granddad waiting, raising his arm
Subtle infusion of memories
Lunch in the conservatory
Apple pie, strawberries.
The mesmerizing hum of bees
And extraneous embroidery
Of the conversations flow
As lunch drifted into tea.
And windfalls of serendipity
Linger long after the fall
Towards infinity.
But nothing lasts forever
I always knew there would come a time
When only death would be waiting
At the end of the line.
© 2007 Jon Stocks
Jon Stocks has had work published in magazines
worldwide and have been nominated for the Pushcart prize 2007,
an American poetry award. He has also received a citation of
special merit from Bewildering stories magazine.
Recent work has appeared, or is scheduled to appear, in magazines
The Coffee House magazine, Coffee House, Pennine Platform,
Other Poetry, Manifold, Poetry Monthly, Harlequin, Tadeeb International
(translated into Urdu), Taj Mahal review, Avacado, Involution
He is currently working on a first novel and also
short stories, winning the Carillon magazine short
story competition.
small number of poems are currently being transformed into short films
as part of a film poetry project. His poem, "Alicia's Diary" was
recently performed
in Sheffield Cathedral as part of a Multi-media poetry presentation.
Find more by Jon Stocks in the Author Index.
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