Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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I Can't Love for Just One Night

by The Rev. Theresa Jackson

What you see's not what you get,
You'll learn this in the end.
Today you play, and then you'll say,
”Be seeing you my friend.”

Timing is like rhyming:
You know when it's right.
I won't make time for your love;
I can't love for Just One Night.

Sand within the hourglass falls
Quicker by the minute.
This love and life is for myself,
I can not let you in it.

Timing is like rhyming:
You know when it's right.
I won't make time for your love;
I can't love for Just One Night.

There is no time to play your game.
Your love will not be kind.
My Sanity... means to much to me,
Your lies can't change my mind.

Timing is like rhyming:
You know when it's right.
I won't make time for your love;
I can't love for Just One Night.

Love has so many meanings.
There's not just one or two.
This love you say you have for me
Is too good to be true.

Timing is like rhyming:
You know when it's right.
I won't make time for your love;
I can't love for Just One Night.

© 2004 The Rev. Theresa Jackson

Theresa Jackson is a 50ish going on 29 year old lady trying desperately to figure out what to do with the rest of her life. She has lived in Sunny Fort Lauderdale, Florida all her life. She has been married four times and will NEVER pull that stunt again! Due to several tragedies in her life she has a couple of unfinished book projects and a script about these Tragedies that need to be finished. A fire recently gutted her home and took  practically everything she owned and killed the beautiful talking Cockatoo she'd had since it was a Baby! She is heartbroken, homeless, and currently living with her youngest son, Chip. She only submitted these poems as a feeler to see if anyone liked what she had to say. Their acceptance brightened her day and her attitude. She just may go forward with her projects now, and has Aphelion to thank for that.

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