Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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Economies of Scale

by Roy Gray

Climb the supply chain
Fill the production lines
Flood the distribution channels
Sail the waste stream
Rot in the dump.
  Capital has
a high contact angle.
On any surface
the drops coalesce.
Receding from a desert.
Permeate the aquifers
Taint the soil
Up the food chain
Down the hatch.
Rise to the stratosphere
Coldwards with Hadley
Condense where the ice flows
Pollute the Poles.
Drop in the ocean
Sink without fuss
Drift with the currents
Kill flies
Then high rise
With the wind
Spread around
Thence to ground
Rain over mankind
    Cool the food
Then take flight
Up to the stratosphere
Frying tomorrow.
Oxidised carbon
Makes the world roast
So oceans expand
Stormy oceans
Unstable icecaps
Destabilised ecosystems
Unstabled horses
    Eat more than you need
Do less than you can
Clog your arteries
Die young
Gifted this world
Wrapped in scatterblue skies
Outwardly bountiful
Dying inside
  bleached corals
beached whales
extinct species
big returns

© 2004 Roy Gray

I am an occasional poet. My poem Towards Darwin was reprinted in the 1999 Rhysling Anthology and has recently been accepted for a further 'reprint' in Astropoetica. I am an oft-rejected writer of short fiction who lives in Britain.

My publication record includes:
Fiction: Interzone 2001 & 2000
Reviews: Interzone, of genre theatre, (2000 &1998)
Articles: Irish Pharmachem Directory 2003, Freelance Writing & Photography, Packaging India (1995) Mindsparks, PharmaceuticalTechnology (Europe) & New Writings (1994)
Humour: Physics World (1994, 5 & 7)
Drama: In 2003 I won a UK Public Awareness of Science grant for a drama treatment that shows science or scientists in a ‘good light’.

Find more by Roy Gray in the Author Index.

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