Aphelion Issue 302, Volume 29
February 2025--
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The Fair Faeries of Fey

by David Taylor

The fair faeries of fey,
Do dance around my head,
Inviting me to Tir Nan Og.

“Join with us, sing with we,”
They shout, barrack and cheer,
“Upon this, the night of May Day.”

“No, I must work,” I reply,
“Please, leave me to my demise.”
I ignore them – the essay flounders.

But again they return...

The fair faeries of fey,
Do flutter about my head,
Inviting me to Tir Nan Og.

“Join with us, sing with we,”
They yodel, bellow and roar,
“Upon this, our Midsummer’s Eve.”

“No, I must study,” I argue,
“Please, leave me to my demise.”
I ignore them – the textbook blurs.

And again they return…

The fair faeries of fey,
Do sigh about my head,
Inviting me to Tir Nan Og.

“Please, join us and love we,”
They plead, beseech and cry,
“Upon this, the night of Halloween.”

“I suppose I will,” I concede,
“Please, save me from my demise.”
I embrace them – the glass world breaks.

And I will never return…

© 2004 David Taylor

I am 27 years old and live in Sydney. I am a software developer by day, a martial artist in the evenings, and a writer by night. I have had stories published in The Mentor, Fusion, and AntipodeanSF and, after a period away from writing, these days I am striking the keys with renewed vigour. My favourite authors include Roger Zelazny and Ursula Le Guin. My interests fluctuate in intensity, covering Capoeira, Tae Kwon Do, and Open Source software development. If you wish to know more, visit my web site at http://knet.knobbits.org .

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